Our soft landscaping services include:

  1. Ground clearance

  2. Lawns - turfed and seeded

  3. Hedge planting and trimming

  4. Tree work and stump removal

  5. Planting plans

  6. Shrub, tree and plant supply

  7. Weed and moss control

  8. Garden maintenance

  9. We provide commercial services to a number of clients, including the premier house builder, G S Brown Construction.

Maintaining your garden looking at its best

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Whether you have a garden large or small, we know that sometimes you need a bit of help to maintain it. Targett Landscaping is here to help.

We will make an appointment to visit your property and listen to what you require and provide you with an estimate that allows you to make decisions about when and what needs to be done.

Let Targett Landscaping mow your lawns

Targett Landscaping provide commercial services to a number of clients including the premier house builder GS Brown Construction and Grassicks, Perth, providing ground clearance, landscaping and maintenance.

Targett Landscaping can treat moss build up on your roof, which if left to grow, promotes rotting and leaking



Pests and diseases

We will treat your lawn for common grass pests such as leather jackets, frit fly and casting worms and treat moss on lawns and hard surfaces.

We also treat fungal turf diseases e.g. fairy rings, and ‘red thread’.

We manage and treat diseased woody shrubs that are suffering from blight, foliar fungal diseases, cankers and viruses.

Weed spraying is carried out on soft landscaping around shrubs and selective weed killing over lawns and patios.

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Email:  gary@targettlandscaping.co.uk